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Getting to know the team:
James Bullock-Webster, Head of Tech, Media and Cyber

Can you describe what your current role involves?

I lead the Technology, Media and Cyber team at New Dawn Risk. Our team is responsible for structuring and placing liability programmes for a variety of US and International clients.

What is your favourite insurance fact?

Wow, hmm I’m not sure I have any favourite insurance facts. But I recently re-watched Woody Allen’s Love and Death and chuckled when he said “There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?”

What did you do before joining New Dawn Risk?

I served 11 years in the British Army, completing several operations tours (Iraq & Afghanistan) before having a career change. I started my broking career at Paragon in 2015 and joined New Dawn Risk in 2019.

Tell us one thing about your career we didn’t know:

I am an ambassador for a wonderful military charity called The Not Forgotten Association They do a huge amount of good work supporting our veterans and I’m proud to be associated with them.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

My wife and I are blessed to have three children (8,6,3); their needs aren’t entirely compatible with hobbies. That said, I love skiing, cooking and travel. My new year’s resolution is to take up Judo.